Facts for Restoring Chlorine Damaged Hair

Repairing Chlorine Damaged Hair: Treatment and Prevention Methods for Dry or Green Tresses from Swimming
As we become more active for our health or simply as the temperatures rise with the changing of the seasons, a dip in the pool is refreshing. Before your next dive as a swimmer you should be well prepared for the prevention and treatment of chlorine exposure. Chlorine is used in swimming pools as a disinfectant for maintaining cleanliness and sanitation. The chlorine however removes the natural protective oils of the hair and scalp causing a severe drying effect. When hair is subject to chlorine exposure this occurs and if hair is not rinsed post swim and is allowed to dry, the hair becomes brittle, dry and is prone to breaks as well as splitting. In order to prevent hair damage due to chlorine there are some steps you can follow with each swim.

Pre-swim steps for chlorine damage prevention.
Your first step prior to entering the swimming pool should be to thoroughly wet the hair. When hair absorbs un-chlorinated water there is less chance for major absorption of the chlorine into the hair shaft. Secondly you should apply a hair conditioner for moisture and protection. Thirdly a swimmers cap should be placed over the wet, conditioned hair. This is in fact the best way to protect and prevent chlorine damage. If you however choose not to use the swimmers cap then you will want to treat the hair post swim.

Post swim steps for chlorine removal
You need to rinse the hair thoroughly after a swim in chlorinated water. You can use club soda, which ceases the adverse effects of the chlorine. You can also rinse the hair in un-chlorinated water and it is advised to use a shampoo. Look for a shampoo that contains sodium thiosulfate. This ingredient is an antichlor, which removes the color and odor of chlorine from the hair. The chlorine in water can cause hard metals in the water, such as copper, iron and manganese, to attach to the hair causing a green coloration. Shampoos that offer aloe or glycerin can also be helpful as they are a natural moisturizer that can combat the drying effects of chlorine. If you experience severe drying and hair breakage you can receive a salon treatment that will reduce and or eliminate breakage for up to six weeks at a time. This is done with a product called Aphogee, which is fused to the hair using heat. The product hardens the hair and after rinsing and conditioning is completed there is a noticeable difference immediately. This product is for professional use alone; speak to your local hair salon technician for service.

Pre-swim, post swim step review
  • Thoroughly wet hair with non-chlorinated water.
  •  Apply hair conditioner.
  •  Cover hair with swimmer’s cap.
  •  After swim rinse and shampoo hair.
  •  Condition hair after shampooing and alternate each week from regular conditioner to a deep conditioner.
  • Dry hair gently with a patting motion with towel or on cool setting with hair dryer.
  • If severe hair damage is experienced seek a hair care professional for treatment.
Repairing Damaged Hair at Home

Home Remedies and Treatments to Repair Damaged Hair
Dry, damaged hair is one of life's little horrors: it won't ruin you, but it won't do you any good. Maybe your hair was caught in a freak, hot roller accident; perhaps chemical straighteners or perms have tortured it into a permanent, frizzy fright wig. You may seek treatment from a local salon, but the stylist might recommend a crew cut. So, what can you do to repair extremely damaged hair that doesn't require a period of enforced baldness? Or what if you're darned close to bald already from chlorine, hair color, blow drying and other hair related emergencies?

People most likely to have damaged hair include those with fine hair and African Americans who use straighteners or keep their hair in cornrows (this tightness can damage the hair follicles and cause hair loss) . African American's hair is very delicate –usually drier than Caucasian hair, and can be easily ruined by chemicals and heat.

Lock In to Ways to Repair Damaged Hair
Anyone who has dry, damaged hair knows just how hard it can be to find effective and affordable products to fix the problem. With the popularity of hair colors, perms, extensions, and other harsh chemical treatments, as well as the current hair styles that call for using flat irons or hot rollers to perfect a certain look, having damaged hair is a problem that plagues so many women and yet there are still no perfect solutions. Avoiding damaging hair care practices, like having chemical treatments or using hot rollers, curling irons, and blow dryers in the first place is the best way to keep your hair healthy, but once the damage is done there are still products that can help you repair and restore your hair. Whether you need a deep conditioner, an oil treatment, a defrizzer, or a hair mask, help is on the way.

Start repairing your damaged hair right away!

How to Grow Out Your Damaged Hair
If your hair has been truly wrecked, sometimes the best thing to do is have professional advice and then cut off as much damaged hair and split ends as possible so you can start fresh. You know when to cut off your hair: it's when you'd rather be bald than look the way you do now! A super-short haircut can be appealing if you go to someone who will shape the cut to your face. Understanding face shape is the difference between a ten dollar, ten minute hair cut and an admittedly more expensive, hopefully much nicer one.

Remedies for Dry, Damaged Hair
Home remedies for "hair gone wrong" include restoration of moisture to hair not too severely damaged and making way for regrowth. In the case of hair ruined by hot rollers or straightening, you may have a few inches of relatively undamaged hair on the scalp. Get a medium-severe haircut to get rid of the frizzled hair tips, or leave the damage right where it is and concentrate on protecting the good hair. Leave off the chemicals, avoid the blow dryer and other heated hair appliances, and use gentle shampoo as infrequently as you dare. Shampoo strips oils from your hair, making it more brittle, so if you don't really need to shampoo, cut it down to once a week or so. And forget vitamins in shampoo: they don't work. You can try taking vitamins internally to keep your hair strong as a side effect of your increased health, but there aren't any vitamins that help when applied externally.

Home Deep Conditioning: Over the Counter & Natural Products
Buy deep conditioner hot oil products at the drugstore, or go the homemade route for less money. Hot oil treatments (actually, the oil is warm, not hot), work by starting with dampened hair, softening the cuticle and locking in the water by sealing the outside of the hair with a coating of oil. You can make your hair drier by using hot oil if you then go and wash it all out with a harsh shampoo. When you give yourself a moisturizing hair treatment, leave it on overnight and then wash it with a gentle shampoo the next day.

Deep conditioning home remedies and recipes for fried hair include mayonnaise, avocado and egg, but some of us prefer to eat our salads, not wear them. You can get the job done using any cooking oil (but peanut oil will make you smell peanutty!) Coconut suntan oil is a favorite, and it smells terrific, too. Rinse your hair with warm water, apply the oil from the palm of your hand, working it into your hair. Now comes the warm part: wrap your head in a towel or a plastic hair bag that comes with hair color kits, or in some cling wrap, and sit around in it as long as you can. Cover your pillow with a safety-pinned towel and sleep on it overnight. Next day, use a moisturizing or baby shampoo to wash out the greasiness.

If your hair has been ruined from color treatments, consider switching to a repairing henna, which has been used for centuries to keep hair shiny and bright. Unlike permanent colors, henna has no ammonia to strip your hair; the henna sits on the outside of the hair shaft, so it can't do any damage. But test it first; some people are allergic to this all-natural herb!
Dandruff Prevention: Causes and Best Natural Treatments

Dandruff & Itchy, Dry Scalp: Treatment Shampoos, Natural Remedies and Prevention
If you suffer from a scalp that’s dry, itchy or irritated you may have dandruff. Dandruff is also known as scurf or seborrheic dermatitis. In addition, psoriasis on the scalp can cause dander in the hair. While dandruff can be quite embarrassing, the good news is it’s easy to control. With natural products and shampoo (like Head and Shoulders or Nizoral) you can get dandruff managed. If your dander is severe, you may want to visit a doctor for medicine or other treatment. However, most often you can use home remedy ideas for the best dandruff care and prevention!

Causes of Dry, Itchy Scalp
Learning how to control flakes is not rocket science, although it may seem like a tough challenge at first. First, you should understand what causes dandruff. The main cause of dandruff is the fungus Malassezia. This fungus feeds on oils and cholesterol already present in your scalp’s skin cells. Often the fungus can be caused by toxins in commercial shampoos. Dandruff shampoo and conditioner often works because they contain tar (which burns the flakes off of the scalp).

Natural Treatment of Flakes
You can naturally (and safely) control and cure your dandruff with homemade scalp mixtures. Using items in your kitchen you can quickly manage your scalp in a natural and effective way!

Vinegar can be used for the treatment of dandruff. Sufferers can mix 3 teaspoons of vinegar with 7 teaspoons of water, apply it to their scalp at bed time and wrap the head with a shower cap or towel. In the morning, the hair should be washed with gentle shampoo and conditioner.

Another home remedy includes mixing 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with several teaspoons of vinegar. After rubbing this mixture into the scalp, mix several eggs in a bowl and pour them onto your hair. Rinse with gentle shampoo and conditioner, as normal.

Olive oil and almond oil are also known to help control dandruff. You can mix the two together, apply it to your scalp and leave it for several minutes. Then wash and condition your hair for shiny and dandruff-free results.

While dandruff shampoos may be effective, they are often only quick fixes to the problem of dandruff. Natural solutions and homemade rinses are often more effective for the treatment of dandruff. However, if you notice your condition worsening you should see your doctor immediately.
Beauty Care Tips and Advice

Beauty in Your Forties: Makeup, Skin and Style Tips For Women In Their 40’s

So, you’re partying days of your 20’s are over, your stressful days of your 30’s are fading and you feel like you finally know exactly who you are. But, as you look in the mirror you may worry and start to have trouble recognizing the woman starting back at you. As you are leaving 30s behind, instead of going forward with fear be sure to embrace your new age with an updated skin care and makeup outlook. The best things about your 40s is the fact you can still have fun without worrying about every little “crisis” life throws your way. So, embrace your new life joys and age!

Age Appropriate Makeup Advice: Women In Their Early To Late Forties

Maybe you spent too much time in the sun when you were younger or maybe you just didn’t think about skin care before now, but chances are you are now noticing the sun damage and signs of aging from your past. You might have blotchiness, red spots and fine lines appearing. As you’re aging and turning fourty years old, your skin is changing too. It’s losing collagen and elasticity so it will retain much less moisture. This ultimately means you’ll not only start noticing more wrinkles but also lose some of your natural glow. You need to continue to preserve, maintain and repair your skin.

Skin Care: Women In Their 40’s

By your 40th birthday, you should already be in a great skin care and beauty routine. However, it needs to change a bit as you enter this new decade of life and celebrate. Things you should know already about skin care should only be modified a bit. Start using a creamy cleanser both day and night (skip the gel) and follow with a broad-spectrum moisturizer with SPF 15 or 20. Find a moisturizer with at least two kinds of antioxidants such as green tea, soy or lycopene. Different antioxidants target different things in the skin. You can also find a formula with peptides to help collagen strength. If you have dry skin problems, try something with shea butter, petrolatum or hyaluronic acid. Always use a nighttime treatment to help reduce brown spots, soften your lines and thicken your epidermis (prescription retinoid is recommended). Words of wisdom: if the prescription retinoid bothers your skin, try it every other night.

Age Appropriate Makeup and Cosmetics: Women In Their 40’s

Much like your hair has changed over the years to fit your age and style, so should your make up style. While facts may tell you that you should go with the “mom makeup” you may find yourself curious with thoughts about new makeup trends. As long as the trends don’t involve neon colored eye shadow or glitter, go for them!

When choosing a foundation in your 40s, think about spending a little more to get one with a built in SPF 15 or 20 and peptides. This will help you get the coverage you need and build in extra skin care benefits at the same time. Always opt to use a concealer to help cover up that redness and blotchiness you’re likely seeing from past sun damage. Apply the foundation first and then the concealer, blending both together to get a seamless look. Dealing with a foundation and concealer from the same brand can be helpful, as blending two brands together can bring great difficulty if you want natural results.

Keep the blush light and focused on the apples of your cheeks, looking for natural glowing colors to help you gain back some of the natural glow time is taking away from your skin.

Instead of using heavy lipstick and liner, think about getting a tinted gloss or cream lipstick that will allow you to have a youthful look on your lips. When doing this, try to stay away from dark colors and opt for melon colors, pink colors, peach colors or chic nude colors.

Eye shadow colors of brown, gray, silver or purple are often great for those in their 40’s. Be sure not to overdo it with the eyeshadow and unless you don’t have very many eye area wrinkles be sure to steer clear of frosty formulas and only use them for highlighting purposes. Also, remember to keep your eyebrows perfectly plucked or waxed and use a soft eyebrow powder to fill in any sparse areas instead of a heavy eyebrow pencil.
Lack Of Vitamin D Hurts

More, and more research is showing that lack of vitamin D is detrimental to your health. 70% of people reading this articles are vitamin D deficient; and they probably do not even realize it. Are you one of them?

Recent documented discoveries have shown multiple health benefits of Vitamin D. As a matter of fact, 30 scientists have agreed that the US RDA needs to be increased from 60 I.U.’s to 2000 I’U’s every day.

The bottom line is you don’t want to have a lack of vitamin D in your blood stream. So why is 70% of the U.S. population, and over 1 billion people worldwide deficient? Simple! They don’t get enough of the vitamin in the foods they eat, and their sun exposure isn’t sufficient enough especially in the colder climates of the world.

Vitamin D deficiency all starts with people being ultra careful not to stay in the sun too long for fear of skin cancer. We are all taught to soak ourselves with sunscreen in order to protect our skin from cancer. Yes, it is important to not stay in the sun too long. However, are we exposing ourselves to UV rays long enough to stimulate sufficient vitamin D production . Not apparently so, especially in colder climates. I believe there needs to be a happy medium between getting sufficient UV rays to help create the optimal level of vitamin D, and preventing skin cancer.

By the way, people with lack of vitamin D don’t have to sun bath for hours. Just 10 minutes a day in the sun, without sunscreen, will help. If that is not possible, you can look into foods fortified with Vitamin D, or supplementation. Please be aware that it is difficult to get up to 2000 I.U.’s from our food alone. However, it is possible to help your cause by keeping an eye on the vitamin D levels in the foods you eat. If you are not close to 2000 I.U’s, then supplement your diet, and subject yourself to a very small amount of sunshine.

If you are a light skinned person in a sunny, warm climate year round, you are at less of a risk of being vitamin D deficient. Individuals who have darker skin, and are not exposed to daily sunlight, have a greater chance of showing a lack of vitamin D.

So what happens if you don’t get enough Vitamin D in your diet?
You are more susceptible to 24 cancers, diabetes, M.S., heart disease, falls, fractures, psoriasis, and many more health complications.

This is not me just talking, but studies to back it. Therefore, take this information very seriously!

A recent study looked at 28,000 people over 50 years of age for 1 year long. The individuals with very low levels of Vitamin D compared to normal blood levels of D showed a 77% increase in risk of death, a 45% great chance of developing coronary artery disease, and a 78% greater likelihood of a stroke.

Being vitamin D deficient is not good, and hopefully, I have given you enough reason to keep an eye on the amount you are getting. Strive to get around 2000 I.U’s each day.

Ladies, please note that raising vitamin D levels to 200 nMol/L will decrease breast cancer by 77%, according to studies. Ask your doctor to do a blood test to check your vitamin D level.

Optimal levels of “D” have also shown to have a contribution in reducing inflammation, blood pressure, and help protect against heart disease.

For those interested in your blood lab results, Vitamin D3 blood levels should be 100-150 nmol/L (40-60 ng/ml); the existing recommendation is 30-50 nmol/L.

As you know, health and fitness go hand in hand. Therefore, to increase performance, and aid in exercise recovery, make sure you are getting up to 2000 I.U’s of “D” each day. Trust me, their is overwhelming evidence to support the fact that lack of vitamin D is detrimental to your health.
Stress Reduction: Tips for Anxiety Relief

Stress Reduction Secrets Even Your Mother Might Not Know!
Today’s daily pace may feel like it runs at over 100mph and women everywhere are feeling the impact. Whether it comes out as anxiety or even pain, stress can engulf the average woman’s life quickly and without much warning. As doctors are learning more about stress, they often encourage those under a great deal of tension, to find ways in reducing the stress in their lives.

While tense parents can’t very well reduce their relationship with their children and employees can’t eliminate stress altogether at their job, there are simple and natural techniques of gaining effective stress reduction and overall stress relief. Anyone can overcome worry or nervousness and learn how to start coping and dealing with stress in positive and effective ways. These tips are useful stress reduction secrets that can help you get your life under control, getting you back on the road to relaxation and happiness.

Squeezing in Time to Relax

Finding time for relaxation and stress relief can often be just another source of stress in our busy everyday lives. Careers, carpooling, organizing, entertaining, and all of the other roles we have to play on a daily basis can really sap the energy. Meditation, yoga, and pilates are known to be surefire stress busters when you work them into your daily routine. Sadly, getting to a class or meeting can be difficult! For those women that are too busy to find time during the day to meditate, stretch, or relax the mind and body, there are now online classes and courses designed with the busy woman in mind. The convenience of being able to enjoy the benefits of meditation, yoga, or Pilates from home, work, or travel, and at any time of the day means that there is no excuse for finding the time to rejuvenate your body and spirit.

Exercise & Meditation for Stress Free Life
Experts agree the number one way to reduce stress is surprisingly not involved with prescription medication. Instead, the best way to reduce stress in your life is by exercising. Yes, not only does exercise help you stay healthy and look great, but it also encourages your body to produce natural stress-relieving hormones. Relaxation holistic exercises including Pilates, yoga and mediation are the perfect solutions for those wanting to be stress-free and stay healthy.

Work place Choices to Reduce Anxiety
Work place stress is among the most commonly mentioned when discussion tension. Many people find their job overwhelming, with mental stress in the workplace spreading through all industries. While you can’t likely quit working there are techniques you can do to reduce your work related stressors. First, bringing work home is a big mistake. If you aren’t required to work at home, there is no reason to bring work from the office to your house. Many people find it difficult to set time boundaries when it comes to their job, and thus find themselves working non-stop at the office and at home. Choose to set stopping times and stick to them. Remember, while work is important, it can certainly wait until the morning.

Healing Diet & Eating Habits
Studies now show a person’s diet can directly affect their behavior. This is most often studied in children with conditions such as autism, however it directly relates to healthy adults as well. Proper eating habits can do wonders for your stress level. Not only will you look and feel better, but when you properly fuel your body, you’ll have more energy to get things done. Your life will be efficient and ultimately less stressful. Eliminating refined sugar, caffeine and un-whole wheat is a terrific way to begin your new stress-free life plan.

Healing Workshops & Stress Reduction Clinics
You may want to bond over stress-relief concepts. If so, sign up for a local healing workshop. These classes are offered all around the world and can provide you with wonderful methods of controlling stress. You can often find information on them at your local health clinic.

Useful Stress Relief Devices
If you’re the type of person that tends to get a bit aggressive when you get overwhelmed, think about purchasing a squeeze reliever. These squishy balls are perfect to take your aggression out on when you’re feeling as if you need a time out. Although the concept seems quite juvenile, you’ll be shocked to notice how great it feels to squeeze one when you’re feeling out of control.

Natural Herbal Stress Management
Sure, prescription stress medications are necessary for some people. But, if you are under a normal amount of stress and are otherwise healthy you may want to forgo the chemicals and stick with herbal assistance. Herbs like St. John’s Wort, Black Seed and Chi Herbal are the perfect solution for those who’d rather take the natural route.
Stress Management Relief Techniques:
Learn how to reduce the causes & effects of office related stress.

The simplest definition of stress is force that produces physical or emotional tension or strain on the body. If you work at a computer or a desk you're at risk for back pain, carpal-tunnel problems, eyestrain and obesity. These are all common symptoms of workplace related stress injuries. That's great news, huh. But just because you're at risk for these stress and anxiety related effects, doesn't mean these things will necessarily happen to you (sigh of relief...). You can take control of your workspace and your workday to reduce these physical symptoms, so that you don't have to do your job at risk to your body.

Is your Employer Making the Office an Anti-Stress Environment?
Good companies have employees who specialize in setting up office equipment to be ergonomically correct, relieving and dealing with weird, repetitive movements that put unnatural work related strain on your body. The tilt of a computer screen, glare from a window, the position of your mouse can all contribute to potential causes for physical problems. Managing the seemingly small details of your workspace can add up to big relievers in tension and your overall health.

Prevent Back Stress By Using a Proper Ergonomic Chair
Affordable ergonomic chairsThe lifestyle of the workplace is filled with stress. Ringing phones; office intrigues; bad fluorescent lighting: so many of the things we take for granted at work are bad for the mind and the body.

How to Relieve and Manage Work Related Body Tension
A physical therapist I know recommends to her clients that they take a five or ten-minute break every hour that they're at work on the computer. Get up, walk around, wiggle your fingers, get the blood moving to your seat and feet are several ways to relieve common on the job aches and pains.

While you may not be able to control the behavior of your workmates, you can take some control over your own workspace. Making sure your mouse pad is close enough to hand helps you avoid carpal-tunnel related stress injuries. Reducing glare on the computer screen by changing the lighting or repositioning your screen can reduce headaches and eyestrain. Working at a desk subjects your body to additional stress, so pay especial attention to the kind of chair you're working from. It should support your back, leaving your arms free to work with papers or the computer. If you suffer fatigue or back and leg pain after sitting all day at work, you should be shopping for an ergonomic office chair.

See a selection of affordable ergonomic chairs that can be delivered to your doorstep.

Be a Clutter Reducer: Clear your Desk
Keeping your desk clear of unnecessary items is also a great stress management technique. It's surprising to see the number of people who try to manipulate a mouse, keyboard, papers, monitor and paper clips on a desk that also contains a coffee mug, pictures of the family, a list of jokes from the office intranet, and a flower in a vase. Morale-building items are nice to have around, but try attaching them to a nearby wall or placing them on a shelf above your desk, leaving yourself room to move. Training yourself to keep the desk clutter away will be a good emotional reducer of stress.

Easy Natural Techniques: A Good Chair and Some Exercise
A good chair is essential to the mostly-seated worker. But keep in mind that a good chair is a very personal thing, because our bodies are all built differently and have unique needs. If your chair isn't comfortable, if your feet fall asleep, or your rump hurts, if your back gets sore, or your get headaches from neck or back strain consider reconfiguring your seating situation. Whether you are a teen or college student writing a term paper or an employee who spend a lot of time at the computer, a comfortable chair will have a huge reduction of body tension (daily exercise like walking or biking is natural way to deal as well!).

Play with your current chair, experimenting with changing its height and tilt. Some office chairs are built with extra padding where the cheeks of the rear end usually rest. It amazes me that anyone can sit on these chairs, since the padding under the cheeks dips into a valley right where the average spine should end. So what you have is people sitting on a hill in the place where they're already well padded, with no support for the spine.

If you've tweaked your chair, rearranged your desk and built hourly exercise into your day but are still uncomfortable, it's time to think about buying a new chair. Go to an office-supply store and sit in every chair. Find a good salesperson who knows what he or she is doing, and have a chair fitted to your body. Define your aches and pains to the salesperson, and get that person's ideas about what might work for you. You may discover that the usual office-type desk chair doesn't work for you: you may need a piece built for home use instead. You may even need to have your workspace redesigned to fit a different style of chair.
Acne Scar Prevention and Pimple Treatment

Many people suffer with mild to severe acne throughout adolescence and well into their adult lives. While a small zit or blemish can wreck your week, it can turn into something much more bothersome if it leaves an acne scar behind when it fades. With many women worrying about fine lines around their eyes and mouths, others are more worried about the scars caused by acne.

Long Lasting Acne Scars Worse than Wrinkles Some Say
In fact, adults admit acne scars are much more bothersome than wrinkles due to aging. Thus, if you want better skin it’s important to think about how to reduce pimple breakouts and focus on prevention of acne. After all, once the pimples are present it can be difficult to deal with them. But, if you can head them off before they even show up you’ll be one step ahead of the game and on your way to a face without acne and acne scars. Use these tips to help you reduce not only pimples and blackhead breakouts but also the appearance of acne scars.

  • Try at-home treatments to reduce pimples: You may be tempted to run to the dermatologist to solve your acne problem. However, before you make the doctor’s appointment you may be able to see excellent results with at-home treatments like Proactiv treatment cream systems or those with Retin A. Many people can see great results in reducing their acne and acne scars with this treatment and prevention skin product line. The key to these products is often consistency. If you want to commit to doing an at-home treatment plan, you must be willing to follow the plan completely. Most of these plans fail because the user won’t consistently use the products as recommended and directed.
  • See a dermatologist about skin care options: If you’ve tried everything on the shelves to eliminate your acne or acne scars, it may be time to see a dermatologist. A skin care specialist can help you determine the cause of your acne and help you seek therapy for acne scars. Dermabrasion and laser treatments are often great choices for those who want to reduce or improve the look of their acne scars. In addition, skin doctors can prescribe medication if necessary. Another great reason to see a dermatologist on a yearly basis is for a skin check, to eliminate your risk of having skin cancer and not being aware of it.
  • Use sunblock everyday to protect skin: Many people think the sun helps their acne but it often only masks the problem. When the tan fades, the skin will still show inflammation or rosacea because acne vulgaris doesn’t go away fully when exposed to the sun. While you may feel your best when your complexion is tan, sun exposure can lead to cancer which is obviously much worse than dealing with your acne in other ways. Thus, it makes more sense to use a sunblock which will not clog your pores.

Acne and acne scars can be embarrassing. If you suffer from cyst acne and deal with an eruption daily, you may also be suffering with acne pain. Thus, finding a way to get rid of your acne and acne scars might be high priority in your life. The great news is there are many ways to reduce the appearance of acne and acne scars. Try the at-home treatments and if they don’t work head to your dermatologist for more intense treatment options.
Learn the right way about Steroids: 

Are you new to the game of sports? Welcome to the land of giants. You will wish you could look like that. You will workout daily, you will pump iron until you just can’t do one more bench press. But it’s not quite working as well as you envisioned. You then think to yourself, steroids! Don’t feel guilty; just be smart about it. That is how Steroidsources.com comes into play. One can have many questions on types, brands, and mostly, legalities.

While it’s not legal to purchase steroids without a prescription in the US, there is help to educate yourself about the availability of buying steroids as well as getting an education in the usage of steroids. Doing your homework is a smart start. There are many varieties of steroids and each has a purpose. Some are used to help asthma sufferers, some are used on athletes and even some are for birth control. Go to Steroidsources.com and learn.

So you have decided that anabolic steroids are what you want. You want to get ripped. Do you call the doctor? Probably not a bad idea, but you can also get online and check out Steriodsources.com. Learn about all the different types of steroids so you can get the most effective product for your body. But be smart and learn all the facts. Steroids may be able to help you achieve the goal you have set; Steroidsources.com can help you achieve the education everyone should have about steroids.

Got questions? Go to Steroidsources.com and check out what they offer. There are forums you can join, blogs and articles you can read right on the website. And for those who like their own collections, there are books and videos available to purchase. Why take the chance of doing it wrong? Do yourself a favor and check it out. Get the help you need in learning about steroids. Don’t lose all that you have worked to get to where you are just because you weren’t educated. Go to Steroidsources.com. Learn all there is from A to Z.
Wealth of Health : 5 Tips

Merely an absence of disease does not necessarily mean that you are healthy. It’s true that sometimes diseases strike us when we least expect it even when we do everything right as far as staying healthy is concerned. Indeed, a wise man once truly said “Health is Wealth”, for there is nothing worse than feeling ill at ease. Illness and diseases not only make you dependent on others, they also rob you of your zest for life. Why not take measures to ensure a long, happy, self sufficient and healthy life? Here are a few tips to help you do just that!

Regular Checks
Never underestimate the power of monitoring your health. A major part of staying well is consistency in health and that can only be figured out if the indicators of your health are regularly monitored. These indicators are Sugar Levels, Blood Pressure, Haemoglobin Count, Urine Analysis, Cholesterol and Lipid Profile, Liver Function Test, ECG, and Chest X-Ray. Many hospitals such as Apollo Hospitals have comprehensive health check-ups that cover all these tests and more. These tests become all the more important as you age.

Sweat It
There is no alternative to exercising and you don’t just need to do it when you gain a few extra pounds. Exercise keeps you active and energetic and it is great for the joints. However, be careful of over-straining yourself. Consult a physician or fitness trainer to figure out a fitness plan that is best suited for you. And do remember to wear the right outfit and footwear while exercising, else you may injure yourself. Keep moving and don’t allow yourself to be glued to a chair all day.

Follow the Pyramid
Not the pyramids in Egypt, we mean the food pyramid. A food pyramid basically tells you what to eat most and what to scrimp on. At the base of the pyramid are things that you should consume the most like cereals and pulses. As the pyramid tapers off to its peak, it tells you about the things you should eat sparingly like oils and fats. In the middle of the pyramid are food items to be consumed moderately like fruits and veggies followed by milk and meat products. Keep this in mind when you eat or plan your meals.

Stress leads to many physical and mental disorders. Keep it at bay with deep breathing, leisurely strolls, meditation, chanting, and listening to music. Other ways to relax include socializing, traveling, talking to friends, or basically doing anything that pleases you and makes you feel good.

Water Rules!
Keep your body well-hydrated by drinking a lot of water throughout the day. Water is actually a miracle drink that aids many of your bodily functions like getting rid of toxins, eliminating wastes, regulating body temperature, lubrication of body joints, assisting in digestion processes, and much more. This is one drink you should indulge in all day and every day!

Eczema Treatments for Kids

Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis, is a common and frustrating condition for parents and their children. In addition to there not being a cure, it can be difficult to treat and parents often get different advice about how to treat it.

Eczema Symptoms

The main symptom of eczema is an itchy rash, which may be red, rough or irritated, scaly, and oozing. The rash typically begins in early infancy and almost always by 5 years. Although the rash does usually come under control and go away with proper treatment, it will likely come back at times.

Diagnosis of Eczema

Eczema is usually diagnosed based on the appearance of the itchy rash in typical areas, including the forehead, cheeks, arms and legs in infants, and the creases or insides of the elbows, knees, and ankles in older children.

Eczema is sometimes mistaken for other itchy rashes, including contact dermatitis, heat rash, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis. The timing of when the rash started, where your child has the rash, and the pattern of when it flares up can help your pediatrician figure out if he has eczema or another skin rash.

Preventing Eczema Flares

The basics of preventing eczema flares (periods of time when your child's eczema gets worse) includes avoiding known triggers, such as harsh soaps, bubble baths, dust mites, food allergies, overheating and sweating, wool and polyester clothing, and keeping your child's skin well-moisturized. Since it is often hard to identify and avoid triggers, moisturizers can be the most helpful way to avoid eczema flares.

To help avoid dry skin, you should give your child a daily bath using lukewarm water and a mild, moisturizing soap or soap substitute. Afterwards, cover him with a moisturizer as soon as possible to seal the moisture into his skin.

Although there are many types of moisturizers, a greasy ointment will likely work best. These can include Vaseline and Aquaphor, although creams may also work well. Avoid lotions and oils. When choosing a moisturizer, you may have to try several and just see what works best for your child and be sure to reapply the moisturizer at least two or three times a throughout the day.

Nonsteroidal prescription creams and lotions can also be used instead of an over-the-counter moisturizer. These include Hylira, Mimyx, and Atopiclair.

Treatments for Eczema

When your child's eczema flares, the typical treatments include topical steroids and the newer non-steroidal medications like Elidel (pimecrolimus) and Protopic (tacrolimus). Keep in mind that there are warnings about using Elidel and Protopic in children who are under two years old or for continuous use over long periods of time.

Topical steroids can range from over the counter hydrocortisone creams, which are very mild and may even be used on the face, to stronger mid- and super-potent steroids that require a prescription. In general, super-potent steroids are avoided in children, and intermediate or mid-potency steroids are more commonly prescribed, such as Cutivate (Fluticasone), Dermatop (prednicarbate), Elocon (mometasone), Locoid Lipocream (hydrocortisone butyrate) , and 0.1 percent triamcinolone. Even these can cause side effects, including skin thinning and stretch marks if they are used for to long in the same place though. They should also not be used on a child's face or under occlusion, like under a diaper.

Newer immunomodulators or steroid-free topical medications are also available to treat children with eczema, including Elidel and Protopic. They are generally used twice a day in children over age two and can be applied to all areas where your child has eczema, including his face. They may also help avoid flares if you then begin using them at the first sign of itching or a rash.

Antihistamines are also often used as part of a good treatment regimen for eczema. They are particularly helpful if itching is interfering with your child's sleep, in which case a sedating antihistamine, like Benadryl (diphenhydramine hydrochloride) or Atarax (hydroxyzine hydrochloride), may work well. Cold compresses can also be effective at helping your child control his scratching when his skin itches.

Other treatments are also available for very difficult to treat cases of eczema, including using wet dressings, oral steroids, ultraviolet light therapy, and immunosuppressive drugs, like cylcosporin.

What You Need To Know

  • Although there is no cure, many children either outgrow their eczema, or it at least gets better as they get older.
  • Eczema does run in certain families and can be associated with other 'allergic'-type disorders, like allergic rhinitis and asthma.
  • You should apply moisturizers on top of your child's other topical medications during eczema flares.
  • Most experts now recommend that your child take a daily, 10-minute bath to help moisturize his skin. As long as you place a moisturizer or lubricant on his skin within two or three minutes after his bath, it should keep his skin healthy and well hydrated.
  • Be ready for times when your child's eczema may get worse, including the winter, when your house may be dry, and summertime, when he may be swimming or getting overheated outside.
  • Keep in mind that skin infections often accompany difficult to treat eczema flares and your child may sometimes require an antibiotic, in addition to his usual eczema treatments.
  • If your child's eczema isn't improving with standard treatments, see a pediatric dermatologist for further help and treatment advice.

Habif: Clinical Dermatology, 4th ed. Dry skin and Xerosis.
Basic Information About Diabetes

Diabetes refers to a group of metabolic disorders (which are quite common and becoming commoner or increasing in incidence) which share a common sign i.e. high blood sugar level or hyperglycemia. There are several types of diabetes and all of these are characterized by hyperglycemia and develop signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia. The cause of diabetes is complex and generally genetic and environmental factors play a role in its causation.

The cause of hyperglycemia in diabetes can be due to reduced insulin secretion, insulin resistance in presence of normal or near normal insulin secretion, decreased utilization of glucose by the diabetic individual or it may be due to increased production of glucose. The cause of decreased insulin secretion or insulin resistance can be different in different type of diabetes.

Broadly diabetes can be divided into type-I diabetes, type-II diabetes, MODY (maturity onset diabetes of the young), gestational diabetes (occurs during pregnancy only) and other types. Out of all these, type-II is the commonest type of diabetes and has strong genetic factor involvement.

Diabetes can cause secondary pathophysiologic changes in multiple organ systems due to metabolic disorders which are associated with diabetes. Due to secondary pathophysiological changes in multiple organ systems, the involved organ systems may not function to the optimal state and lead to several complications of diabetes. The common complications of diabetes involve eye (cataract, diabetic retinopathy etc. and cause blindness), kidney and urinary system, heart and cardiovascular system, central nervous system, increased incidences of infection, gastrointestinal problems, delayed healing of injuries etc.


Allergy is a condition characterised by a level of sensitivity greater than normal to a specific substance or group of substances. These substances, called allergens, trigger a response in susceptible individuals. They can enter the body through various routes like inhalation, ingestion, injection, and external skin contact. They react with antibodies in a susceptible person, causing the release of histamine (a chemical mediator in allergic reactions) and other chemical substances that cause various symptoms, thus creating a chain response known as the allergic response. 

Cause and Pathogenesis 
Allergic reactions may be caused by a multitude of factors. These include the most common allergy 'triggers' like pollen grains, dust, moulds and foodstuffs. Other triggers include animal proteins from hair, and fur and substances that cause skin allergic reactions such as certain oils found in plants, drugs, cosmetics, chemicals etc.

The allergies can be classified as seasonal allergies and perennial allergies. 

Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal allergies occur during certain seasons of the year. They are caused by inhaling microscopic particles in the air and substances like pollen released by plants, grasses and weeds. It can lead to a sustained allergic response. 

Perennial Allergies
Perennial allergies occur throughout the year. They occur due to mould, fungi and dust found indoors. Perennial Allergies can be caused due to fur from cats and dogs and other pets.

An exaggerated response to specific food allergens is termed food allergy or hypersensitivity and such foods include milk, eggs, chocolate, nuts, corn, pork and beef. Histamine and its related substances are responsible for mediating the allergic response and causing the characteristic symptoms of allergy. 

Symptoms and Signs 
Breathing problems and skin irritations are the common allergic responses. Sneezing, running nose, watery eyes, wheezing, skin redness, and skin itching and rashes are common symptoms. Allergic Rhinitis is a term that is used to describe a thin, watery trickle from the nose accompanied by sneezing, as in common colds. Severe allergies can cause anaphylactic shock, a life threatening reaction to some allergens where there may be a sudden and dramatic drop in blood pressure. Anaphylactic shock may also cause closure of air passages and result in death. Anaphylactic reactions may be caused by bee stings, drugs like penicillin and also some types of food substances. When an individual's allergies are triggered, there is swelling of the nasal linings, which results in sinus blockage and infection. 

Investigations and Diagnosis 
A family history of allergy and allergy-related diseases is important in the assessment of allergies. Reactions occurring with regularity at certain times each year may be due to seasonal allergies, while those that manifest throughout the year are perennial. If the symptoms improve with anti-allergy drugs, then an allergic component to the problems is believed to be present.

There are also a variety of tests that help in the diagnosis of allergies. One method of testing is In-Vivo Testing. The basic principle in this method is to demonstrate an actual allergic reaction in the patient by using micro doses of the suspected allergen. Various allergens are injected into the skin by a scratch, a prick, or an injection, and the skin is monitored for a reaction. A positive response can be noted when significant redness or swelling occurs at the site of the test. While these tests can accurately identify actual allergic sensitivities, there is the risk of triggering a full-blown allergic response. Another requirement of In-Vivo Testing is that the patient must stay off anti-allergy drugs for several days prior to testing so as not to negate the response. Additionally, this test involves the timely and sometimes painful process of injecting numerous allergens, usually on the back or the arms. Skin tests are difficult to perform on infants and young children. Allergic individuals who have skin rashes or hypersensitive skin, which might interfere with test results, are not suitable for skin testing.

Another method is In-Vitro Testing. It is based on identifying the antibody proteins (chemicals produced in the body due to an immune response) produced by the individual during an allergic reaction. A blood sample is collected from the patient, and the amount of specific antibodies present is measured (there are a variety of antibodies, each of which reacts to a specific allergen). The Radio-Allergo-Sorbent Test (RAST) requires only a sample of the patient's blood. Blood serum can then be tested against common allergens. However, RAST is useful in infants and young children unable to undergo the In-Vivo Test, and in individuals with extensive skin rashes or skin hypersensitivity where injection may stimulate an over-response.

In Nasal Smear Testing, a sample of nasal secretions is collected and analysed in a laboratory. Substances called Eosinophils (a type of cell present in the body) are produced during an allergic reaction, and these are observed under a microscope in the nasal specimens obtained. This test does not identify the specific substances that cause the allergy but indicates if the nasal problems are caused due to allergy. 

Treatment and Prognosis 
Avoiding the causative factor is essential to prevent allergies. Since the allergic reaction is due to histamine and its related substances that trigger the full-blown allergic reaction, drugs called Antihistaminics are used to treat allergies. They block the activity of histamine and relieve symptoms. Their most common side effect is drowsiness. Some antihistamines are non-sedating, and do not cause drowsiness. Antihistaminics in the form of nasal sprays work relatively rapidly once sprayed into the nose. Antihistaminic sprays avoid some of the unpleasant side effects of oral antihistamines. Antihistamine-Decongestant combinations are useful in allergic patients who have a strong degree of nasal congestion. While the antihistamine component minimises sneezing and dripping, the decongestant contracts the lining of the nose, resulting in improvement in breathing. The decongestant component tends to cause an increasing wakefulness, which counteracts the sedating aspects of antihistamines.

Steroids are the most potent drugs for allergies. They help by decreasing the inflammation seen in the allergic reaction. Prolonged use of steroids can have serious adverse effects, so they should be taken on a limited, short-term basis to provide relief. Steroid sprays are relatively safer than oral steroids. Other intranasal sprays used include cromolyn sodium that acts by preventing the release of histamine. It is most effective if used prior to allergen exposure. Another spray called Ipratropium acts directly on the glands of the nasal lining to decrease the watery trickle that occurs with allergies and other conditions. Anaphylaxis should be treated by immediate administration of Epinephrine.

If environmental controls and medications have failed to provide adequate relief, allergy shots (Allergen Immunotherapy or Desensitization) can be used. Shots are more useful for year-round allergies rather than those lasting a short period each year. The basic principle is to inject increasing doses of allergens into the allergic patient to sensitise him. The shot is made up of an extract based on results of the skin test or a RAST. Usually, shots are given once to twice every week, with increased dosage each week. Once a maintenance level is reached, the shots can be given at reduced frequency. Significant improvement should be seen within three to six months of initiating Immunotherapy. If successful, the treatment should be given for two to five years. 

The best way to avoid symptoms of allergy is prevention. This means avoiding exposure to agents that trigger the allergic response. Being aware of common allergens like pollen, dust, fur, drugs, specific foods etc, and avoiding them is absolutely essential in preventing an allergic reaction. Patients, who have suffered from an anaphylactic reaction in the past should carry an injectable shot of a drug called Epinephrine that can be administered in an emergency. Prompt treatment of severe allergic reactions, especially anaphylactic reactions, is essential. 
Fitness Ideas for Every Fitness Level

Exercise is important, and becomes even more so with aging There are fitness ideas for every fitness level, so whether your idea of exercise is getting up to change the channel or you are preparing to run a marathon there exists the perfect fitness idea for you.

The type of exercise you choose and the amount you need will depend upon your fitness goals. These often change with aging. If you hope to condition your heart and lungs you will need to engage in fairly vigorous exercise, such as jogging or aerobics, for thirty to sixty minutes several times each week. You want the exercise you perform to be strenuous enough that you reach your target heart rate. Reaching your target heart rate assures that you are getting the maximum benefit for your heart and lungs. Ideally, you want to shoot for 65-75% of your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate changes with aging. For example, your rate at age 20 is 200 and your target heart rate, if you are going for 75%, is 150 beats per minute. At age 45 those numbers change to 175 and 131, respectively. Count your heart rate when you have finished exercising. Locate your pulse on your wrist or neck and count for 10 seconds. Multiply that number by six to determine your heart rate.

It takes time to achieve this level of fitness. You should not expect to begin an exercise program, reach and maintain your target heart rate all on the first day. But you can start. With time, and focused short and long term goals, you will reach the next fitness level.

If your current fitness level is fairly low and your goal is to build stamina or just start moving, you can begin with short walks or even gardening. You want to shoot for a target heart rate of at least 50%. Don’t over do it. You risk injuring yourself or becoming discouraged and abandoning your fitness program because your immediate goals are too high. You can work up to 75% over the next several months.

Just ten or fifteen minutes each day can be a great start. You will notice that you begin to feel better almost immediately. As you build stamina and conditioning you can work on more vigorous fitness ideas, which maximize weight loss and provide many anti-aging benefits.

Examples for different fitness levels are listed below:

Low fitness levels
The idea isn’t to jump off of the couch and into the local 10k. It’s simply to get moving. You will want to begin slowly and give your body time to adjust.
Try (for at least 10 –15 minutes):
Dancing around the house
Casual strolls

Moderate fitness levels You should begin to notice that your stamina is increasing. Set up your fitness program for additional health benefits.
Try (for 30 –45 minutes) :
Brisk walks

High fitness levels Now you are ready for the marathon
Try (for 45-60 minutes)